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Fakten zur Weiterbildung

Weiterbildung: Fernstudium

Kursart: Online-Vorlesung

Dauer: Vollzeit: 4 Monate / Teilzeit: 8 Monate

Wir bieten digitale Kursunterlagen an, um Ressourcen zu schonen und unseren Beitrag zum Umweltschutz zu leisten.

Niveau: Die Weiterbildung ist auf dem inhaltlichen Niveau eines Master Studiengangs.
Eine Weiterbildung auf Master-Niveau ist anspruchsvoller als auf Bachelor-Niveau. Vorhandenes Grundlagenwissen im gewählten Fachbereich ist deshalb von Vorteil.
IT Governance and Compliance
IT governance and compliance are key elements within corporate governance, since most modern businesses rely heavily on IT infrastructure for their success. These elements detail the required leadership and organizational structures for maintaining and extending information technology in order to meet business strategies and objectives.
  1. About IT Governance
    1. Concept and Definitions
    2. The Value of IT in the Organization
    3. Current State and Perceptions
    4. Governance, Compliance and Risk Management in IT
  2. Establishing IT Governance and Compliance
    1. Assessment
    2. IT Strategy
    3. Tactics
    4. Operations
    5. Compliance
    6. Performance
  3. The COBIT Framework
    1. Overview of COBIT
    2. The COBIT Goals Cascade
    3. The COBIT Process Reference Model
    4. Deploying and Implementing COBIT
  4. IT Governance Frameworks
    1. Quality Management as a Foundation
    2. ISO 9000 Family
    3. Maturity Models
    4. Relationship to Service and Architecture Frameworks (ITIL, TOGAF)
    5. Relationship to IT Security Frameworks (ISO 27000 family)
  5. Data Protection and IT Security
    1. Data Protection
    2. IT Security Management
    3. IT Security Threats and Attack Scenarios
    4. Countermeasures
    5. Cryptography

Fakten zum Modul

Modul: IT Governance and Compliance (DLMBITGSM2)

Niveau: Master

Unterrichtssprache: English

Credits: 5 ECTS-Punkte
Äquivalent bei Anrechnung an der IU Internationale Hochschule.
  • Klausur, 90 Minuten
Kurse im Modul:
  • DLMBITGSM02 (IT Governance and Compliance)
Software Engineering: Software Processes

Software processes and life cycle models provide a structure for different software engineering tasks. The aim of this module is to provide an understanding of this structure and how to apply it across the entire plan-build-run life cycle.

An important foundation for working with software processes is modeling using suitable notation. The different types of life cycles are discussed, including the plan-driven and the agile approaches as well as mixed forms (hybrid models). A special focus is put on the different environments for which these approaches are best suited.

Beyond software development, this course also addresses the entire software life cycle, including the operations phase and the cooperation between the two phases, e.g., based on DevOps.

Software processes are not just a topic on the level of the individual development group or project but a task for the entire organization; therefore, they should be integrated into overall IT governance and management efforts.

    1. Foundations of Software Processes
      1. The Role of Software Processes and Life Cycle Models
      2. Historical Overview
    2. Software Process Definition and Modelling
      1. Modelling Notations and Meta-Models
      2. Notations for Modelling the Interaction Between Processes
      3. Detailed-Level Notations
    3. Basic Software Product Life Cycle Models
      1. Waterfall Models
      2. The V-Model
      3. Component or Matrix-Based Models
      4. Iterative, Incremental and Evolutionary Development
    4. Agile and Lean Development Processes
      1. The Agile Manifesto
      2. Scrum
      3. Common Agile Practices
      4. Kanban and Lean Development
      5. Scaling Agile Development
      6. Hybrid Processes
    5. The Software Product Life Cycle
      1. Detailed-Level Process Models: Unified Process and V-Modell XT
      2. IT Service Management and Operations
      3. DevOps
      4. Safety, Security and Privacy
    6. Governance and Management of Software Processes
      1. Process Governance
      2. Process Design and Deployment
      3. Process Tailoring
      4. Process Assessment, Improvement and Measurement
      5. Tool Support

    Fakten zum Modul

    Modul: Software Engineering: Software Processes (DLMCSSESP)

    Niveau: Master

    Unterrichtssprache: English

    Credits: 5 ECTS-Punkte
    Äquivalent bei Anrechnung an der IU Internationale Hochschule.
    • Mündliche Prüfung
    Kurse im Modul:
    • DLMCSSESP01 (Software Engineering: Software Processes)
    Kurs: DLMBITGSM01
    IT Service Management
    This course focuses on the nature and practice of IT services that keep IT systems running. It introduces students to the knowledge and experience needed to provide IT as a service to organizations, mainly based on the IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) which is the industry standard for this purpose.
    1. Introduction to IT Service Management
      1. IT Services, Business IT Services
      2. Service Level Agreement (SLA)
      3. IT Service Management
      4. Reference Models for IT Service Management
    2. IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL)
      1. Purpose and content of the IT Infrastructure Library
      2. Service Live Cycle in ITIL
      3. Overview on Service Strategy and Operational Processes
      4. Continual Service Improvement
    3. ITIL – Service Strategy
      1. Business Relationship Management
      2. Service Portfolio Management
      3. Financial Management for Services
      4. Demand Management
    4. ITIL – Operational Processes: Service Design
      1. Service Level Management
      2. Service Catalogue Management
      3. Availability Management
      4. Service Continuity Management
    5. ITIL – Operational Processes: Service Transition
      1. Transition Planning and Support
      2. Change Management
      3. Service Asset and Configuration Management
      4. Release and Deployment Management
    6. ITIL – Operational Processes: Service Operation
      1. Incident Management
      2. Problem Management
      3. Request Fulfilment
      4. Event Management

    Fakten zum Modul

    Modul: IT Service Management (DLMBITGSM1)

    Niveau: Master

    Unterrichtssprache: English

    Credits: 5 ECTS-Punkte
    Äquivalent bei Anrechnung an der IU Internationale Hochschule.
    • Klausur, 90 Minuten
    Kurse im Modul:
    • DLMBITGSM01 (IT Service Management)
    Kurs: DLMCSPSE01
    Project: Software Engineering
    In this course, the knowledge students have acquired in prior modules is applied to small- to medium-sized projects. The concrete implementation takes place in group work. The project teams go through important stages of the software life cycle and create the appropriate artifacts (e.g., requirements specification, design, implementation, tests, documentation). Quality assurance of these artifacts is completed by the tutor and students from other project groups. In this way, students learn both the creation and quality assurance of artifacts in a software process.
    • In software engineering, projects are organized in terms of team member roles (e.g., project manager, quality assurance) and distinct activities (e.g., planning, analysis, implementation) to create software fitting the customer’s needs. With respect to the chosen approach (agile or plan-driven), students work through all the typical phases relevant for large projects. They will gain experience regarding organizational concerns like common roles and activities, as well as practical concerns like the creation of requirements specification, design, implementation, tests, and documentation.
    Fakten zum Modul

    Modul: Project: Software Engineering (DLMCSPSE)

    Niveau: Master

    Unterrichtssprache: English

    Credits: 5 ECTS-Punkte
    Äquivalent bei Anrechnung an der IU Internationale Hochschule.
    • Portfolio
    Kurse im Modul:
    • DLMCSPSE01 (Project: Software Engineering)


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